Tuesday, 21 April 2015

What is XML Schema By EME (bootstrap_responsive_designing_company_in_chandigarh)


What is an XML schema?

·  An XML schema consists of various definitions including
o elements and attributes that appear in a document
o child elements
o sequence of elements
o number of child elements
o whether an element can include text or has to be empty
o default values of attributes

·  More or less, an XML schema, just like a DTD, defines the legal building blocks of XML documents

XML Schema basic elements:

·  Complex Type
o Elements having element content can be controlled by <complexType> definitions. Within each <complexType> definition, we specify the allowable element content for the declaration
·  Element
o When declaring an element, we specify the element name and define the content that is allowed in that element.
·  Sequence
o Sequences are used to impose order on the child elements.

Global versus Local Types:

·  XML Schemas allow us to specify an element’s type in two ways : Local or Global

·  Global declarations are declarations appearing as direct children of the <schema> element. These global element declarations can be reused throughout the XML Schema

·  Local declarations don’t have the <schema> element as their direct parent and thus, can be used only in their specific context

XML Schema Advantages:

·  Learning XML schemas is easy
·  Understanding XML Schemas is easy as the schema itself is written in XML
·  Support provided for more data types
·  Support for namespaces is provided.
·  Objected-oriented in a sense
o We can use the old data types by extending them to create new custom data types or we can restrict them (deriving new types on the basis of the old definitions)
·  We can model sets, i.e., we can define the occurrences of the child elements in any order (just as in a set)
·  We can maintain uniqueness while writing the content of the element (keys on content) and uniqueness within a specific region
·  We can declare the elements that don’t take any content (empty elements)
·  substitutable elements can be defined 

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